If and Only If
There are presently no open calls for submissions.
Anonymous Submissions: We accept anonymous submissions, but all anonymous submissions will be published under the name “Purple Fairy Dust,” or something similarly ridiculous.
Simultaneous Submissions: We accept simultaneous submissions. However, please let us know if any of your submitted pieces are published elsewhere.
Previously Published Submissions: As a general rule, we do not accept previously published work; however, we may consider making an exception for a particularly outstanding piece that fit our aesthetic. If you work has been published elsewhere, let us know when and where it was publish, and confirm that you have retained the rights to your work so it may be published again.
“My work is a great fit for If and Only If, but…”: If you think your work is a great fit for the journal, but it does not fit within out submission guidelines, try us anyway. We are open to broadening our horizons and changing perspective. When submitting work that does not fit our guidelines, please be sure to include an explanatory note along with your submission.
Multiple Submissions: Multiple submissions are allowed, but please limit multiple submissions to no more than 2 different categories. Please wait until you receive a response before re-submitting.